Peaceful non-compliance, and non-participation with the corrupt corporate system, is the only way I can think of to reclaim our personal authority.
There are people who would choose to submit to those in pretend authority because the Bible tells them they must. When I search my heart I cannot find any truth in what they say.... from the Bible or not. It does not sit right with me. Maybe it's different for me because I know things that others are not aware of and cannot accept even when they are made aware.
I know that the people who have inserted themselves at the top of most of our world's governments are imposters. They are nothing more than corporate officers... puppets for the bankers who control the flow of money by way of war after war after war...... I can't willingly just hand over my money to them any more, knowing they are going to go murder people with it.
The God I know is a God of Love. Love would never ask me to take part in the murder of my own human brothers and sisters..... I feel completely justified in my decision to extricate myself from the grasp of this beast.
For those who wish to walk this path with me, I offer a few suggestions.
Start by paying very close attention to where your money goes. Is the thing you are spending on necessary? Who profits from the purchase? What do they do with the profits. Spend it amongst people you know. Buy your food from local growers, so you know where it comes from.
Get involved in a gifting or sharing group where belongings can be passed around amongst many rather than hoarded and possessed by a few.
Examine your needs. Eliminate the wants.
Planting a garden, instead of a lawn, can be a form of peaceful, harmless, healing, rebellion. Really... in my mind it is the most important one... our most powerful, peaceful option.
Gardening is very calming, and healing, and it provides nourishment.... to mind, body and soul. It creates an incredibly powerful, productive and frequency raising, force. Not only would it provide healthy food to the masses, but it would loosen the grip of the oppression that has fallen over us. One of the ways we allow control over us, is through our food supply. If we only eat real food from local suppliers, many of the toxins we now consume would no longer be in our food, making us sick. The healthier we are the higher we vibrate, energetically..... the stronger our will and our intuition. The less we will go in search of pharmaceuticals. If we need healing we can find it in our food.
Start examining all your personal choices and asking that question. Is this for The Highest Good?
Here's a perfect place to start.... Societal programming has convinced us that having a uniformly boring and toxic lawn is more important than having a safe, natural, beautiful and productive lawn. I think we can all agree that this is not for the Highest Good of ALL and it would do us well to change this thinking.
Let's de-program ourselves of the idea that our yard must consist of only one species of grass and a few bordering trees, bushes and maybe a small flower or vegie garden. Let's get real about the fact that in order to have the societally acceptable lawn you have to poison everything that comes in contact with it... including your kids, and pets, and neighbors, and yourself of course.
Gardens... especially community gardens, bring humanity into contact and co-operation with Mother Earth, and her myriad of creatures, and each other. Humanity, working in tandem with Mother and Each Other, is an unstoppable force.
When we garden we do for the environment what the environment does for us.... Our Loving energy heals all the injured energy around us.... We counter things like toxic radiation and chemicals, and The Earth reciprocates by keeping our energy fields healthy. You carry the energy field of that which you consume and touch and put focus on. Choose consciously.
There are quite a number of reasons to allows us to counteract a multitude of harmful influences because growing things.... organically ..... fosters the vibration of Life.... and Life is Love.... and Love is ALL THERE IS.
There are quite a number of reasons to allows us to counteract a multitude of harmful influences because growing things.... organically ..... fosters the vibration of Life.... and Life is Love.... and Love is ALL THERE IS.
The Love between the gardener and their beLoved plants is a beautiful, cyclical, perpetual, vibration that effects all who come in contact with the gardener and the garden. That vibrational imprint, exists there forever... forever sending out Love. This Love reverberates around the world and out into the Universe to affect ALL THAT IS.
I encourage everyone to grow things, organically, of course. If you can't or don't want to grow things then I think you'd gain something by spending time in an organic garden just to soak up the energies of the plants, and consuming real healthy vegetable frequencies. When you consume a vegetable, or fruit straight from the plant just think of the life-force energy that courses through you.
I also suggest that we all grow hemp/marijuana/cannabis. The hemp plant, with all it's different strains and uses, is exactly the medicine we need to rid us of the old broken down system. The reason we have not been allowed free access to this plant is that it would take them all down in one swoop. It would replace, coal, oil, lumber (for paper and as a building material), cotton, pharmaceuticals, etc., etc., .... I think we need to grow it and process it and use it, in whatever way we see fit, regardless of what they tell us.
It reproduces far quicker than trees and needs no fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides, so here is another way to eliminate the waste of natural resources and toxins that end up in our food.
Cannabis also detoxes and nourishes the ground it grows in! So, I think it would be helpful if everybody would grow hemp! I think we should just start planting it everywhere. If we all do it and it's growing wild in every ditch, field and garden, there won't be much to be done about it. Here again is something we can do, for and with Mother Nature, that has only positive repercussions. It clearly is For The Highest Good of ALL!
So, go get dirty! You are going to Love it and be Loved back. Momma N Loves the tickle of our fingers in the dirt and her rewards are abundant!
I don't see any need to march in the streets, or pick up a gun. We can change things drastically, and right NOW, by doing things that serve The Highest Good of ALL and ignoring legislation that clearly does more harm than good.
Before you blindly follow without a thought... stop and ask yourself one question. Does this legislation, rule, law, ordinance, order..... whatever it might be that the corporate bureaucracy is demanding of you.... Ask yourself.... does this action serve the Highest Good of ALL? Is this legislation designed to serve the people fairly, and equitably, or is it all about money and control.
We all have the ability and the responsibility to think for ourselves and allow ourselves to be led by our higher knowing. If you search your heart for the answer God will put it there.
So, go get dirty! You are going to Love it and be Loved back. Momma N Loves the tickle of our fingers in the dirt and her rewards are abundant!
I don't see any need to march in the streets, or pick up a gun. We can change things drastically, and right NOW, by doing things that serve The Highest Good of ALL and ignoring legislation that clearly does more harm than good.
Before you blindly follow without a thought... stop and ask yourself one question. Does this legislation, rule, law, ordinance, order..... whatever it might be that the corporate bureaucracy is demanding of you.... Ask yourself.... does this action serve the Highest Good of ALL? Is this legislation designed to serve the people fairly, and equitably, or is it all about money and control.
We all have the ability and the responsibility to think for ourselves and allow ourselves to be led by our higher knowing. If you search your heart for the answer God will put it there.
I Love You ALL!
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