Friday, November 22, 2013


By ~ Angie Schuyler

When you have to resort to force, it is a clear indication that you have no power.

I say this, to the police and the puppeteers who are involved in the show of force, being used on the people, all around the world.

You are only reinforcing for us, that you have no true authority over us, and absolutely no power to control us.

You underestimate humanity and our Love of peace. You underestimate our awakening. You underestimate our intelligence, our tenacity and our ability to adapt and heal and Live and thrive, even in the face of the obstacles put up against us. You underestimate our empathy and our compassion, even our oppressors can be Loved and forgiven. We simply beg of you to emancipate us from your system. Free us and free yourselves in the process. Lay down your weapons of war. Release us of all the fabricated financial debt. Share the bounty equally amongst ALL!

You have the mistaken impression that giving freely to us, will take away something from you... This is simply not the case.

As you give, so shall you receive.

Do you not see the perpetual state of violence and destruction you have brought upon yourself. Are you happy? Do you have joy in your heart? Are you doing what you Love? When was the last time you danced or sang, or laughed a good belly laugh?

If you can't answer those questions positively than you are not Living. You are depriving yourself of the best things about being Human.


Step over the imaginary line that divides you from us. Stand with us, in front of the ever weakening forces who were. We welcome you. There is a place at our table for any who wish to live in peace and co-operation.

There are blessings and Love for ALL! All you have to do is claim it.

I speak this most fervently to military, law enforcement and every single person on government assistance or payroll, of any kind. If you depend on any kind of check, or benefit from the government, there is an assumption that you will turn on your own peeps, to keep that benefit.

Don't be surprised when you are asked to do it. I pray you will remain faithful, loving and compassionate. Have faith that your kindness and Love will care for you abundantly. Whatever you do, do not panic and resort to violence or theft. Offer your help and share whatever you have and I promise, it won't be long, before you discover that you never needed their money, job, insurance, food assistance... or whatever... in the first place. You were lulled into thinking you had no other way. You were lured into a trap. Luckily for you... It's all an illusion and a lie! Walk away and have faith. We can take care of each other..

If it is not yet clear to you.... the jig is up..... the game is over and everyone can be winners as soon as we decide that's the way we want it to be.

You oppressors have played your role brilliantly! Now you get to choose a new one....

We all get to choose a new game. As soon as the majority of us decide we're done with this game, it's over.

I think we must be getting very close and I'm getting clued into that by the obvious lack of power, exhibited by the forces who were.

There is no greater power than humanity united. There is only one way this can end, anyway.

It ends where it began. It ends at The Light and you don't get to The Light through force.... Only through Love, Baby.... Only through Love.

Take a break. Chill out. Be at peace. Be calm. Be Love!


Let's just stop it NOW!

I Love You ALL!


  1. HI Angie .. Once again a wonderful post .. you speak such truth in saying the Excessive Show Of Force Simply Indicates a Loss of Control .. they never controlled us - they only thought they did - but Our Creator will always shower us with the seeds of ideas and power to OVERCOME !! Our Creator is clever that way.... oh so more clever than the Selfish and Greedy Humans who Think they Own this planet .. it could be Wiped clean in the blink of an eye and You and I Angie .. when we arrive at our destination - we will be greeted as Heroes and Champions ... Oh Such Fools Those Mortal Beings Are Who Think They Are Better Than You or I !!! ... love and hugs xoxooxo carolyn xoxoo

  2. We're all equal, regardless of what side we are on in this illusion. Each of us have a role to play. I don't know about you Carolyn, but I know for certain that I have played several past lives for the other team. I have been the Selfish and Greedy Humans who Think they Own this planet, at least as many times as I have been The Light. I chose to be the darkness then so another could find the light. In this life I am the Light and I Light the way for those in that dark too. They agreed to lower their vibrational level to allow me an opportunity to be Love and to be Forgiveness. I thank them for that gift and I Love them as they are a part of myself. I seek no special favor. I don't consider myself a hero and I don't care to be looked at in such a way. I just want the duality to end. I want to move on to a new game.... a game where Unity and Love rule aver all else. My soul has had all the violence, destruction and separation it can stand. <3

  3. Wow! I wrote this so long ago that I had forgotten about it. I have a new blog Willow hawk on blogger if anybody's interested in hopping over there and checking out what I have going on. I'd also forgotten about all the reciprocity stuff that I had written here so it was fun to find out today as well. Here in the midst of some really challenging times right now and some of what I wrote back then seems naive as I read it now. I am far more jaded now after having beaten this drum for two decades I'm tired but I'm not going down just yet. These words that I've written over the years have been pretty much ignored but I'm going to put them out there anyways and if even one person is changed because of something I wrote then I guess it's all worth it. I really do love you all and I have faith that at least a good portion of humanity is going to come out, on the other side of this, okay. So, see you on this other side brothers and sisters! LOL
