January 20, 2012
Who are the "Architects of the Establishment"?
People tend to get real quiet when you say the word illuminati. I'm never quite sure why though. Is it because they don't believe they exist or is it because people fear them and are afraid to talk about them?
Either way, through our denial or our fear, they get their way. As long as you look away, they are free to run rampant.
Some people call me stupid and foolish for being so outspoken on this subject. Some call me paranoid. I know I'm not just being paranoid. I have tons of proof to present to any who want it. Just ask me for it.
These dark workers are ramping up their game, as I type this. They are doing everything they can to get World War III started. They are poisoning us by poisoning our air, food, medicine and water supplies. They are stealing our money. They are planning to either kill us or keep us enslaved. They are using mind-control techniques on the entire population through the mainstream media. (Why do you think they call it "television programming"?) They are working hard to implement world-wide martial law.
The plan for a "New World Order" is about one small group of greedy old beings, controlling the entire planet and all of it's people and resources. They are executing a plan that is more than two centuries old and over those two centuries they have effectively infiltrated every position of power around our globe.
They are bankers, politicians, military leaders, educators, spiritual leaders, law makers, law enforcement officers, corporate controllers, medical professionals. They own the Federal Reserve and all the major banks, the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies, the education system, the media, the entertainment industry, the FDA, the AMA etc., etc. They have lied and done terrible things in order to start war after war for profit (9/11 is a good example of that!).
In the past 4 years they have stolen at least 26 trillion dollars of American money. Do you realize that that equals a quarter of a million dollars for every American household? How long are we going to sit still and let them do this to us.
Think about this.
They are 1%-2% of the world population. We far out number them!
If we choose not to acknowledge the existence of this group then they are free to lead much of the population down the path of darkness. If we fear them we give them power. If we hold our LIGHT, open, strong and true we can expose their dark deeds and send them scurrying. They rely on secrecy and darkness to work their evil plans. Their mind-control techniques cannot work on people who are awake and aware. They need our attention and our money to continue their plans. If we are awake and aware we can choose more wisely about where to allow our attention to go and where we spend our money. For instance. They own the Federal Reserve and every single penny collected from us, for income tax, goes directly to the Federal Reserve. They own all the major corporations, so shopping local could really put a crimp in their finances. There is so much we could do as a collective that can work to counteract them but first we need to admit to ourselves that they do exist, we have to collectively stand up courageously against them, we need to know exactly who they are, what they are trying to do and how they are trying to do it. Then we need to proceed to PEACEFULLY and LOVINGLY dismantle their power structure.
One last but very important point I want to make here is that this organization is more than two centuries old and many of the people working for/with them are doing so under duress. In order to insure the secrecy of this secret society they have consistently used fear, torture, drugs and mind-control tactics to keep their people(mostly their own families) in line. They start using these tactics on them as early as 4 years old. As a result there are a lot of severely damaged people out there, many of them children, who need our compassion, forgiveness and healing LOVE.
David Wilcock has recently written an awesome article that tracks the illuminati's history all the way back into the 1700's. He names names and maps out their diabolical plan, point by point. His research includes loads of documentation to back up all of what he writes. I highly suggest that everyone take the time to read this article. Financial Tyranny . The thing that I love the most about it is that he has collected and compiled all the bits and pieces of disjointed information I have stumbled upon randomly, over the past few years and brings it together in a comprehensive and easy to read format. I pray many will read it!
Bright Blessings!
"I do believe there is a truth you can find within your heart. A truth where we are all One, where the universe is built of loving energy, and where all negativity, violence, condescension, sarcasm and fear-mongering must eventually crumble to dust. ~ David Wilcock
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