I have a suggestion for how to use our words, to manifest our reality.
When we express ourselves in positive, present tense, it helps us to manifest, more quickly.
I am going to use a paragraph from Brian Kelly's most recent post to give you an example of what I'm talking about. I'm not even sure Brian wrote this part and I hope I don't offend whoever did. Please understand, I'm not criticizing. I am hoping to be helpful and I know it works, because I use it, myself.
So, anyway...
This is the sample paragraph and suggested changes...
Your contributions will (remove "will") help bring Free Energy Technology directly TO the PEOPLE! Our Phase I funding of $20,000 will (remove "will") allows the 5D Media Network team to launch the OPAL Tour - a mobile alternative media network. Amongst the many things we'll showcase (remove "we'll showcase" and replace it with "being showcased") on the OPAL Tour, Free Energy Technology is just the beginning!
Now you have a positive, present tense statement, of what IS.
Your contributions help bring Free Energy Technology directly TO the PEOPLE! Our Phase I funding of $20,000 allows the 5D Media Network team to launch the OPAL Tour - a mobile alternative media network. Amongst the many things being showcased on the OPAL Tour, Free Energy Technology is just the beginning!
The word "will" is a future word..... it pushes whatever we are intent on, out in front of us, just barely out of our reach. Using it more consciously helps to bring us into the NOW moment.
I try to remember to speak, and think, and write, with the KNOWING that what I AM manifesting is already here.... Try using I AM, instead of I will and see if anything changes.
After all.... it is already our reality. Right?
I want to thank all of The Bridge Crew and the 5D Media Team, and whoever else is helping the O.P.A.L. Tour along, for all the awesomeness you've brought to our world! I'm excited for all your wonderful doing and am looking forward to meeting up with you.
I hope this little tip helps move your manifestations along!
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