Monday, June 17, 2013

Do You Want to BE FREE?

By ~ Angie Schuyler

Do you want to be free to keep all your earnings and spend them on yourself and your family instead of on countless different payments and fees and taxes and expenses. Do you want to be free to travel at will. Do you want to have free and open access to truthful and useful education. Do you want to be free to make your own healthcare decisions for your children. Do you want to be free to do only what you Love?

Don't wait for permission, any more. Reclaim your freedom and from this moment on, do only what you want, when you want, as long as you do not infringe on the free will and well being of another. Just remember though... you are on your own recognizance. You must take full personal responsibility for every consequence of your actions.

It's time we all just start living free. As long as we do no harm and we live in peace and harmony with our environment and all Life within it, we are free to come and go and do, or not do, according to our own free will choice and we will no longer be made to pay for anything. The resources that have been hoarded and hidden away from us are far more than enough to provide generously for every BEing on this planet. There is far more than enough to insure that all our basic needs could be met, which would free us to really enjoy life and spend our time and energy doing what we love.

I trust that we value our personal freedom enough to each voluntarily contribute, enough  talents, time and energy, to the new system, to make it far more suitable for ALL than anything we've known so far.

It is our Divine right to be a free. We are ALL sovereign BEings.

Every one of us is an embodiment of our Creator. God lives within ALL!

Who among us has the authority to rule over Creator?

We are ALL equal. No ONE is more esteemed than any other.

Who are we to give anyone authority over ourSelves when we clearly see that Spirit resides within us? The way I see it, the only way to truly honor Creator is to claim our Divine heritage and use it for the highest good of ALL!

We must always remember that WE ARE ALL ONE and that no matter where each of us are now, which ever reality we are perceiving... whatever frequency we are vibrating on.... we ALL remain ONE with Source.

The reality of our situation is that we have given our power away so that we could have the experience of reclaiming it. We've been living a sort of game and the object of this game is that we come here with the agreement to forget who we are and where we came from so that we can experience that which we are not in order to discover that which we are. That which we are is ALL ONE and once a critical mass of us KNOW this, this game of duality can end.

Now that we are awake to the corruption and breakdown of the system we cannot close our eyes to it. Now that we know we are God, how can we ignore that and allow ourselves to be treated with such disrespect?  It is time to peacefully and Lovingly disengage and re-claim our power.

The only power anyone has over us, is the power that we give them. We have given far too much and all of it has been misused. It is time we take it back and go about doing good things with it.

I think the most peaceful and effective way to accomplish the return of our freedoms is to simply stop complying with corporate, banking and government demands.

We have put our faith in others to lead us and care for us. They have failed to do this so we must now take back the authority and take full personal responsibility for ourselves and each other. In the end, I am positive that we will find that they need us far more than we need them.

In December of 2012  it came out that there were UCC filings made, which exposed the truth about the corruption within all corporate, banking and government institutions. They exposed the fact that almost all the world's governments are actually corporations, masquerading as governments. Those filings also lobbed strong accusations at 'the dwindling forces who were' and to this day those accusations stand un-rebutted. They were accused of treason, crimes against humanity, operating a slavery system, fraud. These are the same group of people who created a legal system in which, failure to answer is equivalent to an admission of guilt. Still, they have not responded.

In effect, their failure to respond has resulted in the foreclosure of all banks, corporations and corporate governments.

Now that the world is becoming aware of these crimes against us we can no longer remain at the mercy of this very small group of beings.

Peaceful, non-compliance is our way out.

You might consider not paying credit card bills, car payments, mortgages, fines, fees, insurance. Stop buying things, just for the sake of buying them. Consider barter or trade, for something used, before you go out and give your income to a corporation to buy something new. Buying new supports the corporate, consumer structure. Grow as much of your own food as possible, or buy into or volunteer at, a community supported farm rather than supporting corporate farming. Go organic and GMO free. Stop watching mainstream television. There are many ways you can practice non-compliance but the most important one is to BE FREE.

It is a huge shift in thinking that is required to make this leap but I know we can do it and I know that NOW is the time. We are on the verge of creating a whole new reality where everyone is completely free to do whatever we want to do, whenever we want to do it, as long as we do no harm to anyone or anything.

The duality is falling away. Unity consciousness is raising the frequency to the point that the only BEings who can survive within this paradigm are BEings who are vibrating at the frequency of LOVE.

There is no room for retribution.... no reason for revenge..... no punishment needed because any who still remain... who still survive... surely must be of Love or they would not be here.


We have no enemies.... only family who got lost in the game.

It falls to us to Lovingly and compassionately remind them of who they are... that they are ONE with ALL and that as soon as they know that this old game can end and a new one can begin.

I Love You ALL!


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